5.3 Importing the Secure Project in µVision® from Keil®
For importing both secure and
non-secure projects in the same workspace:
Create a folder and unzip the
secure and non-secure project in the same folder
Rename the *gpdsc files in
both folders to avoid confusion (e.g: AtmelStart_S.gpdsc and
Create a Keil project file by
selecting these *.gpdsc files separately:
File -> Open ->
Secure project folder -> select the AtmelStart_S.gpdsc file
(after selecting Show All File Types) -> a project will be
created. Save and close the project.
Repeat the above step
for the non-secure project
Create a Multi Project
workspace in Keil MDK and add both the project files (.uvprojx file for
secure and non-secure)
Configure the secure project
as described below
Go to Options by right-clicking the
project name in the workspace. Under the Target tab, go to the Code Generation
section and make sure the ARM Compiler is “Use default compiler version 6”, change
the software model to “Secure Mode” for a secure project, and select the check box
“Use MicroLIB”.
Go to the C/C++ tab. Under the
Language/Code Generation section change the language to “C99”.
Note: Selecting the value for
Warnings as “AC-5 like Warnings” is optional.
Under the Linker tab, uncheck the
“Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog Box” and browse the Scatter file from the
secure project.
Under the Debug tab, select the value
CMSIS-DAP for the “Use” radio button. Click on Settings and go to the Pack tab.
Change the default dbgconfig file with the new UROW settings, which will be
available in Toolchain\keil\DebugConfig\SAMl11.dbgconf.
In addition, go to the Debug tab in
Options for a secure project and edit the content of the initialization file as
LOAD “Specify the Path of .axf file of non-secure project" incremental
LOAD “Specify the Path of .axf file of secure project” incremental
g, main
Under the Utilities tab, go to the
Configuration Flash menu command and browse the Init file as Load_ns.ini under “User
Target Driver for Flash Programming”. Edit the content of the Init file as
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.