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Atmel START helps you getting started with microcontroller development. It allows you to select MCU, configure software components, drivers, middleware, and example projects to tailor your embedded application in a usable and optimized manner. Once you are done you can download the generated code project and open it in Atmel Studio or another third-party development tool.
1.1 Atmel START, Software Content, and IDEs
This section gives an overview of the various pieces in the AVR® and SAM Tools ecosystem and how they relate to each other.
1.2 Quick Start and Workflow Overview
2.1 Supported Web Browsers
2.2 Supported IDEs and Compilers
The output from Atmel START can be used in a set of software tools as:
3.1 Documentation Resources
The major sources of documentation are Getting Started projects, the Atmel START User Manual, as well as reference manuals for ASF4 and Foundation Services framework content.
3.2 Getting Started
3.3 How to Add and Configure Software Components
3.4 Save and Restore Configurations
4 Configuration Screens
Atmel START offers a flexible array of configuration screens, in order to set up various aspects of your design.
4.1 Clock Configurator
The clock system consists of oscillators and sources of different types. By using the Clock Configurator you can configure each source and oscillator, and see the calculated output frequency.
4.2 Event System Configurator
The event system enables direct peripheral-to-peripheral communication and signaling. The event system consists of generators, channels, and users. A change in the peripheral’s state is referred to as an event.
4.3 Atmel START QTouch® Capacitive Sensing Library
4.4 PINMUX Configurator
The PINMUX Configurator presents an overview of all the configured pins.
4.5 CCL Configurator
6 Using Atmel START Output in External Tools
When your project is configured in Atmel START, you must export it in order to use it in a C compiler.
6.1 Atmel Studio
The following steps describe how to use the output from Atmel START in Atmel Studio.
6.2 IAR Embedded Workbench®
The following steps describe how to use the output from Atmel START in IAR Embedded Workbench. Make sure you have the latest updates of IAR Embedded Workbench installed.
6.3 Keil® µVision®
The following steps describe how to use the output from Atmel START in Keil µVision.
6.4 GNU C Makefile
The output from Atmel START can be used with GNU C using a Makefile.
The following steps describe how to use the output from Atmel START in SOMNIUM DRT.
8 Keyboard Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts are supported by Atmel START.
9 Linking to Atmel START
You can link directly to devices, boards, and projects in Atmel START from other web pages.
10 Revision History
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The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.