5.3 Gen2 Product
In Gen2 products, the static behavior can be activated via EEPROM configuration. The configuration will be used after the next restart of the system. In EEPROM address 0x0019 (sysStartConfig), Bit 0 and Bit 1 define the used mode after the next restart of the system. IDLEMode, RXMode, TXMode and PollingMode are selectable. Bit 2 in the same register defines the usage of the transparent operation. EEPROM address 0x001A (sysStartSvcChConfig) defines the used service, channel and path after the next restart. In TXMode, the transparent output signal is derived from the level of I/O pin PC4. In RX Transparent mode, the transparent raw data (TRPA/ Transparent Raw data Path B (TRPB)) can be routed to PC2/PC5 according to the configuration in EEPROM address 0x00DD (RDOCR) Bit 3 and Bit 4. As the pins will be used for an output function, they must be configured accordingly.