4.6.2 XY Plot Visualization Controls Pane

The XY Plot Visualization Controls (right) pane is for controlling visualization (graphing) of xy data.

Figure 4-47. Graph Visualization Controls
Table 4-7. Data Axis
Control Description
Offset When auto adjust enabled, “Auto adjust” displayed.

When auto adjust disabled, current offset of plot shown.

Scale Specify the resolution of the data axis in seconds.
Auto adjust enable/disable.

When enabled, automatically adjust range of axis.

When disabled, manually adjust range of axis.

Table 4-8. Data Axis - Plot Source and Format
Control Description
Data Source Select the data source to plot from the drop down list. See the Data Sources pane for selection and setup.
Select source settings.
Begin/stop streaming data. Clicking either x or y will begin/stop streaming for both.
Click to select how data points are shown on the graph.
  • Connect points with stepped lines (default)
  • Connect points with straight lines
  • Only draw points, not lines
Click to select a graph color.