6.5 Changing a Variable Name and Streaming Again

Open the file DVRunTime.c. Change the name of the variable testCount16 to testCount16B by using Refactor>Rename. Rebuild the project to create a new ELF file.

Figure 6-16. Rename a Variable

Now return to the Data Visualizer. Because the DVRT session is in synch with the ELF file, you will see a message stating that the ELF file has been updated and that symbols need to be reloaded.

Figure 6-17. Reload Debug Symbols

Click Reload Debug Symbols. Once the new ELF file is loaded, the previous variable name will be in red because it is no longer found.

Figure 6-18. Variable Not Found

Change the variable name to the new name and see the streaming values for this variable appear.

Figure 6-19. Renamed Variable Added