6.4 Streaming Variable Values

Select the source for streaming.

Figure 6-10. Select the Connection Source

Set up the connection by clicking the gear icon. For DVRT, use the values shown in the figure below.

Note: For all implementations of DVRT, use the Baud Rate of 115200.
Figure 6-11. Connection Settings for DVRT

Click the Play button to start streaming. Once streaming has started, a toggle button will be made active where you can Stop Streaming/Start Streaming.

Figure 6-12. Play to Start Streaming

See the variable values change during runtime in the table.

Figure 6-13. Streaming Int Values

If you want change value format, in this case view Int values in hex, you can use the controls on the right to select available options.

Figure 6-14. Format Hex
Figure 6-15. Streaming Int Values in Hex