65.6.7 Conversion Triggers

Conversions of the active analog channels are started with a software or hardware trigger. The software trigger is provided by writing the Control register (ADC_CR) with the START bit at 1 and ADC_TRGR.TRGMOD=0.

The list of external/internal events is provided in ADC_MR. The hardware trigger is selected using the ADC_MR.TRGSEL field. The selected hardware trigger is enabled if TRGMOD = 1, 2 or 3 in the Trigger register (ADC_TRGR). In these modes, the software trigger is disabled (writing ADC_CR.START=1 has no effect).

The ADC also provides a dual trigger mode (ADC_LCTMR.DUALTRIG = 1) in which the higher index channel can be sampled at a rhythm different from the other channels. The trigger of the last channel is generated by the RTC. See Last Channel Specific Measurement Trigger.

The ADC_TRGR.TRGMOD field selects the hardware trigger from the following:

  • Any edge, either rising or falling or both, detected on the external trigger pin ADTRG or internal triggers
  • The Pen Detect, depending on how the PENDET bit is set in the Touchscreen Mode register (ADC_TSMR)
  • A continuous trigger, meaning the ADC Controller restarts the next sequence as soon as it finishes the current one
  • A periodic trigger, which is defined by programming the ADC_TRGR.TRGPER field

The minimum time between two consecutive trigger events must be strictly greater than the duration time of the longest conversion sequence according to configuration of registers ADC_MR, ADC_CHSR, ADC_SEQRx, and ADC_TSMR.

If a hardware trigger is selected, the start of a conversion is triggered after a delay starting at each rising edge of the selected signal. Due to asynchronous handling, the delay may vary in a range of two peripheral clock periods to one ADC clock period. This delay introduces sampling jitter in the A/D conversion process and may therefore degrade the conversion performance (e.g., SNR, THD).

Figure 65-6. Hardware Trigger Delay

If one of the TIOA outputs is selected, the corresponding Timer Counter channel must be programmed in Waveform mode.

Only one start command is necessary to initiate a conversion sequence on all the enabled channels. The ADC hardware logic automatically performs the conversions on the active channels, then waits for a new request. The Channel Enable (ADC_CHER) and Channel Disable (ADC_CHDR) registers enable the analog channels to be enabled or disabled independently.

If the ADC is used with a DMA, only the transfers of converted data from enabled channels are performed and the resulting data buffers should be interpreted accordingly.