33.7.2 PIO Configuration Register

This register can only be written if the WPEN bit is cleared in the PIO Write Protection Mode Register.

Writing this register will only affect I/O lines enabled in the PIO_MSKRx.

Offset: 0x04 + x*0x40 [x=0..3]
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
Access RRR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 0000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bit 30 – ICFS Interrupt Configuration Freeze Status (read-only)

Gives information about the freeze state of the following fields of the read I/O line configuration:

• IFEN: Input Filter Enable

• IFSCEN: Input Filter Slow Clock Enable

• EVTSEL: Event Selection

0 (NOT_FROZEN): The fields are not frozen and can be written for this I/O line.

1 (FROZEN): The fields are frozen and cannot be written for this I/O line. Only a hardware reset can release these fields.

Bit 29 – PCFS Physical Configuration Freeze Status (read-only)

Gives information about the freeze state of the following fields of the read I/O line configuration:

• FUNC: I/O Line Function

• DIR: Direction

• PUEN: Pull-Up Enable

• PDEN: Pull-Down Enable

• OPD: Open-Drain

• SCHMITT: Schmitt Trigger

• DRVSTR: Drive Strength

0 (NOT_FROZEN): The fields are not frozen and can be written for this I/O line.

1 (FROZEN): The fields are frozen and cannot be written for this I/O line. Only a hardware reset can release these fields.

Bits 26:24 – EVTSEL[2:0] Event Selection

Defines the type of event to detect on the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

0 FALLING Event detection on input falling edge
1 RISING Event detection on input rising edge
2 BOTH Event detection on input both edge
3 LOW Event detection on low level input
4 HIGH Event detection on high level input
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved

Bits 17:16 – DRVSTR[1:0] Drive Strength

Defines the drive strength of the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

0 LO Low drive
1 LO Low drive
2 ME Medium drive
3 HI High drive

Bit 15 – SCHMITT Schmitt Trigger

Defines the Schmitt trigger configuration of the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

0 (ENABLED): Schmitt trigger is enabled for the selected I/O lines.

1 (DISABLED): Schmitt trigger is disabled for the selected I/O lines.

Bit 14 – OPD Open Drain

Defines the open drain configuration of the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

0 (DISABLED): The open-drain is disabled for the selected I/O lines. I/O lines are driven at high- and low-level.

1 (ENABLED): The open-drain is enabled for the selected I/O lines. I/O lines are driven at low-level only.

Bit 13 – IFSCEN Input Filter Slow Clock Enable

Defines the clock source of the glitch filtering for the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

0 (DISABLED): The glitch filter is able to filter glitches with a duration less than 1/2 peripheral clock cycle for the selected I/O lines.

1 (ENABLED): The debouncing filter is able to filter pulses with a duration less than 1/2 divided slow clock cycle for the selected I/O lines.

Bit 12 – IFEN Input Filter Enable

Defines if the glitch filtering is used for the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

0 (DISABLED): The input filter is disabled for the selected I/O lines.

1 (ENABLED): The input filter is enabled for the selected I/O lines.

Bit 10 – PDEN Pull-Down Enable

Defines the pull-down configuration of the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

PDEN can be written to 1 only if PUEN is written to 0.

0 (DISABLED): Pull-down is disabled for the selected I/O lines.

1 (ENABLED): Pull-down is enabled for the selected I/O lines only if PUEN is 0.

Bit 9 – PUEN Pull-Up Enable

Defines the pull-up configuration of the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

0 (DISABLED): Pull-up is disabled for the selected I/O lines.

1 (ENABLED): Pull-up is enabled for the selected I/O lines.

Bit 8 – DIR Direction

Defines the direction of the I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.

0 (INPUT): The selected I/O lines are pure inputs.

1 (OUTPUT): The selected I/O lines are enabled in output.

Bits 2:0 – FUNC[2:0] I/O Line Function

Defines the function for I/O lines of the I/O group x according to the PIO Mask Register.


Selects the PIO mode for the selected I/O lines.


Selects peripheral A for the selected I/O lines.


Selects peripheral B for the selected I/O lines.


Selects peripheral C for the selected I/O lines.


Selects peripheral D for the selected I/O lines.


Selects peripheral E for the selected I/O lines.


Selects peripheral F for the selected I/O lines.