Read Operation

The Read mode is defined as a data requirement from the host.

After a START or a REPEATED START condition is detected, the decoding of the address starts. If the client address (SADR) is decoded, SVACC is set and SVREAD indicates the direction of the transfer.

Until a STOP or REPEATED START condition is detected, the TWIHS continues sending data loaded in TWIHS_THR.

If a STOP condition or a REPEATED START + an address different from SADR is detected, SVACC is reset.

The figure below describes the read operation.

Figure 45-31. Read Access Ordered by a Host
  1. When SVACC is low, the state of SVREAD becomes irrelevant.
  2. TXRDY is reset when data has been transmitted from TWIHS_THR to the internal shifter and set when this data has been acknowledged or non acknowledged.