5 Software

The keyfob and the base station Flash software offer several configurations through compiler defines. The primary function of the software is to enable the KeeLoq technology (classic/advanced/ultimate). In addition, it allows further debugging by enabling a virtual Communication (COM) port to the PC and some debug pins.

The Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) serial Flash, which is soldered on the WBZ451 Curiosity Board, stores all the necessary variables required for the KeeLoq algorithm.

To establish a connection in the Pairing mode, the Bluetooth Low Energy address must be unique to a system. Otherwise, the keyfob switches to Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) communication.

When the keyfob/base station is powered up and the QSPI serial Flash is empty, the software assumes that this is the first power-up and proceeds to write a default EEPROM setting to the ATA8510 via In-System Programming (ISP).