3.6 Touch Tune Data

The MTCH1030 touch controller can visualize the touch data of the sensors. This reduces development time and enables judging performance beyond the simple yes/no of reported touch states. Using the Tune Data feature during the development stage is recommended. Refer to the Appendix for information on how to enable this feature.

Note: Disabling or enabling in run-time is not possible.
Table 3-12. 
Input Feature
0V Tune Data feature is enabled. The touch detect state is NOT output on any of the OUTx pins.

UART data will be available on the OUT2 pin.
  • Transmission Bits: 8-bit
  • Start bit: 1
  • Stop bit: 1
  • Baud rate: 38400
  • Polarity: None
VDD The Tune Data feature is disabled. The touch detect state is indicated using OUTx pins.