3.2 CFG1 (Oversampling)

CFG1 selects the number of samples to take on each measurement cycle. Increased sampling provides more stable sensor operation and better tolerance for electrical noise, but at the cost of increased power consumption and response time. When Easy Tune is enabled, the minimum recommended oversampling is configured automatically, helping the user to avoid using a resistor divider on the CFG1 pin.

Note: Configuration input is in non-ascending order to avoid the necessity of resistive divider bias current. The lowest power option, eight samplings, is selected by CFG1 = ‘A,’ while the next lowest option, 16 samplings, is selected by CFG1 = ‘D.’
Table 3-4. 
Configuration Samples*
A 8
B 64
C 32
D 16
*With the Easy Tune option enabled, a more automated selection of oversampling is applied. Refer to the Easy Tune option for further details.