Write Port View and Read Port View

The following table lists the Write Port and Read Port Views.

Table . Write Port and Read Port View
Write Port and Read Port ViewsDescription
Go To AddressAllows you to go to a specific address in the manager. Each memory block has many addresses; it is often difficult to scroll through and find a specific one. This task is simplified by allowing you to type a specific address. The number display format (Hex, Bin, Dec) is controlled by the value you set in the drop-down menu above the Address column.
AddressThe Address column lists the address of a memory location. The drop-down menu specifies the number format for your address list (hexadecimal, binary, or decimal).
DataAllows you to control the data format and data value in the manager. Click the value to change it.
Note: Dialogs show all data with the MSB down to the LSB. For example, if the row shows 0xAABB for a 16-bit word size, the MSB would be AA and the LSP would be BB.
Default Data ValueThe value given to memory addresses that have not been explicitly initialized by importing content or editing manually. When changed, all default values in the manager are updated to match the new value. The number display format (Hex, Bin, Dec) is controlled by the value you set in the drop-down menu above the Data column.
Reset All ValuesResets the Data values.
Import from FileOpens the Import Memory Content dialog box; enables you to select a memory content file (Intel HEX) to load. Intel HEX file extensions are set to *.hex during import.
OKCloses the manager and saves all the changes made to the memory and its contents.
CancelCloses the manager, cancels all your changes in this instance of the manager, and returns the memory to the state it held before the manager was opened.