9.4.1 Data Structures

Parameter Size Range/Options Usage
num_sensors 1 byte 0 – 255 The number of sensors to buffer data for the median filter
num_freqs 1 byte 3-to-7 The number of frequencies to cycle/depth of the median filter
*freq_option_select Pointer 2/4 bytes Pointer The pointer to the acquisition library frequency selection parameter
*median_filter_freq Pointer 2/4 bytes Pointer The pointer to the array of selected frequencies
enable_freq_autotune 1 byte 0 or 1 Disable (0) or enable (1) automatic retuning of hop frequencies
max_variance_limit 1 byte 1-to-255 Signal variance required to trigger returning of hop frequency
Autotune_count_in 1 byte 1-to-255 The number of occurrences of max_variance_limit to trigger retuning of hop frequency