3.5 Read DQDQS Training Fail

This section describes the probable reasons for the read DQDQS training failure and the checks required to ensure that the training passes.

3.5.1 Read DQDQS Training Fail—Check 1

Possible Reason
Signal integrity issues on DQ or DQS lines. When check 1 of the Read DQDQS training fails, a dialog box appears as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-14. Read DQDQS Training
Configure any one of the following parameters to a different value using the MSS Configurator when check 1 of the Read DQDQS training fails:
  • Decrease the FPGA DQDQS start training window offset
  • FPGA Vref Data
  • Memory Pull-Down Drive Strength

The following figure shows the configuration of DQ ODT, DQDQS start training window offset, or Vref data in the DDR Controller tab.

Figure 3-15. Configuring DQ ODT, DQDQS Start Training Window Offset, or Vref Data—DDR Controller Tab

The following figure shows the configuration of pull-down drive strength in the DDR Memory Initialization tab.

Figure 3-16. Configuring Pull-Down Drive Strength—DDR Memory Initialization Tab

3.5.2 Read DQDQS Training Fail—Check 2

Possible Reason
Signal integrity issues on DQ or wrong start training window offset. When check 2 of the Read DQDQS training fails, a dialog box appears as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-17. Read DQDQS Training
Configure any one of the following parameters to a different value using the MSS Configurator when check 2 of the Read DQDQS training fails:
  • FPGA Vref Data
  • Memory Pull-Down Drive Strength
The following figure shows the configuration of DQ ODT or Vref data in the DDR Controller tab.
Figure 3-18. Configuring DQ ODT or Vref Data—DDR Controller Tab
The following figure shows the configuration of pull-down drive strength in the DDR Memory Initialization tab.
Figure 3-19. Configuring Pull-Down Drive Strength—DDR Memory Initialization Tab

3.5.3 Read DQDQS Training Fail—Check 3

Possible Reason
Signal integrity issues on DQ or wrong start training window offset. When check 3 of the Read DQDQS training fails, a dialog box appears as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-20. Read DQDQS Training
Increase the FPGA DQDQS start training window offset value when check 3 of the Read DQDQS training fails, see the following figures.
Figure 3-21. Configuring DQDQS Start Training Window Offset—DDR Controller Tab