4.1 SNR and EVM Measurement Process With Python

The SNR and EVM test procedure is the same for both setups, but there are some firmware configurations that the user must consider depending on which TX and RX impedance mode is evaluated (High or Low-Impedance mode).

Steps to implement in the SNR and EVM measurement process are as follows:

  1. Setup initialization
  2. DUT Transmission and Reception in the High-Impedance mode
  3. DUT Transmission and Reception in the Low -mpedance mode

These three steps can be done for any modulation scheme and type.

To facilitate the SNR and EVM measurements, Microchip developed a Python Package, microchip_plc_tools. This package is a collection of Python code to help users to create their own Python scripts which can communicate with Microchip PLC boards. This Microchip Python Package enables the user to develop their own application to automate the test process.

: Python is a widely used high-level programming language, and its design philosophy emphasizes code readability and simplicity. For this reason Python is suitable to create scripts to automate tasks or tests that improve development times.

For additional information about the Microchip package installation, structure, and practical examples of use, refer to the "PLC Tools Python Package User Guide".

Attention: To implement this test using the Microchip Python Package, users must install Python 3.X. Refer to the https://www.python.org/downloads/ for additional information.
Ensure that these microchip_plc_tools packages are installed:
  • microchip_plc_tools_common
  • microchip_plc_tools_utils
  • microchip_plc_tools_phy_tester_public

Additionally, verify that the latest version of the required Python packages and dependencies refered in the corresponding readme.txt are installed