4.2 SNR and EVM Measurement Process With PLC PHY Tester Tool
The SNR and EVM test procedure is the same for both setups, but there are some firmware configurations that the user will have to take into account depending on the Network Impedance mode (High or Low Impedance).
There are five steps to implement in the SNR and EVM measurement process:
- Setup initialization
- DUT Transmission in the High-Impedance mode
- DUT Reception in the High-Impedance mode
- DUT Transmission in the Low-Impedance mode
- DUT Reception in the Low-Impedance mode
These five steps can be done for any modulation scheme and type.
The Microchip PLC PHY Tester Tool can be used for performing simple PHY tests.
Important: Before starting the
test, the user must program both boards with the PHY Tester Tool Firmware provided by
Microchip. Prior to programming the DUT, the user will have to adapt the original PHY
Tester Tool project to the hardware specifications of their design.
In any case, the process is similar to using the PHY Performance validation Python scripts.