12.2.9 M

Macros nested too deeply.

The maximum macro nesting depth is 10.

May not nest groups (--help for usage).

An archive group is already started. Use the -) option to close the current group before starting another group with the -( option.

Member %b in archive is not an object.

The archive member is not a valid object. Check that the library archive is correct for the Microchip MPLAB XC32 C/C++ Compiler.

Missing argument(s) to option --section-start.

The required argument to --section-start must be sectionname=org.

Multiple definition of name.

The linker discovered a symbol that is defined multiple times. Eliminate the extraneous definition(s).

Multiple startup files.

The linker script is attempting to set a startup file, but a startup file has already been set. There should be only one startup file specified in the linker script.