
A character constant can be written as the character preceded by a single quote character, for example, 'z, or as the character enclosed by single quote characters, for example, 'z'.

Special control characters an be specified by using an escape sequence. The assembler accepts the following escape characters.

Table 4-1. Special Characters and Usages
Escape Character Description Hex Value
\a Bell (alert) character 07
\b Backspace character 08
\f Form-feed character 0C
\n New-line character 0A
\r Carriage return character 0D
\t Horizontal tab character 09
\v Vertical tab character 0B
\\ Backslash 5C
\? Question mark character 3F
\" Double quote character 22
\digit digit digit Octal character code. The numeric code is 3 octal digits (0 - 7).
\x hex-digits or \X hex-digits Hex character code. All trailing hexadecimal digits (0 - 9, a - f, or A - F)are combined.

The value of a character constant in a numeric expression is the machine’s byte-wide code for that character. The assembler assumes your character set is ASCII.