26.2 Modulator Signal Sources

The modulator signal can be supplied from the following sources selected with the SRCS bits:

Table 26-1. MDSRC Selection MUX Connections
SRCS[4:0] Connection
11000-11111 Reserved
10111 MSSP2 - SDO
10110 MSSP1 - SDO
10101 EUSART5 TX (TX/CK output)
10100 EUSART5 RX (DT output)
10011 EUSART4 TX (TX/CK output)
10010 EUSART4 RX (DT output)
10001 EUSART3 TX (TX/CK output)
10000 EUSART3 RX (DT output)
01111 EUSART2 TX (TX/CK output)
01110 EUSART2 RX (DT output)
01101 EUSART1 TX (TX/CK output)
01100 EUSART1 RX (DT output)
01011 CMP3 OUT
01010 CMP2 OUT
01001 CMP1 OUT
01000 PWM7 OUT
00111 PWM6 OUT
00110 CCP5 OUT
00101 CCP4 OUT
00100 CCP3 OUT
00011 CCP2 OUT
00010 CCP1 OUT
00001 MDBIT
00000 Pin selected by MDSRCPPS