5 Radiation Specification (Note 1)
Environment | Conditions | Min | Unit |
TID (gamma) | MIL-STD-883, method 1019 The operating bias applied during exposure | 100 | krad (Si) |
Neutron fluence | MIL-STD-883, 1017 | 1E12 | Neutrons |
SEE SEU, SEL, SEGR, SEB | Heavy ions [LET] The operating bias applied during exposure | 82 | MeV•cm2/mg |
- Parameter not 100% tested, and only assured by design.
- Parameter verified during line and load regulation tests. Regulation is specified for 10% to 100% loading on all outputs.
- The “–H” option incorporates FET technology providing a >82 MeV•cm2/mg (gold ion) SEE capability to the design. The “–P” option is not rated for radiation.
- Tested and verified using a 20 kHz to 10 MHz bandwidth. Ripple is measured across a 50 Ohms termination with a 10 nF Cap in series. Results applicable for DC to 20 MHz bandwidth.
- The capacitive load may be any value from 0 to the maximum limit without compromising DC performance. A capacitive load exceeding the maximum limit may interfere with the proper operation of the converter's overload protection, potentially causing erratic behavior during turn-on.
- Overload power dissipation is defined as the device power dissipation with the load set such that VOUT = 90% of nominal.
- The load step transition time is ≥10 µs.
- Recovery time is measured from the initiation of the transient to where VOUT returned to within ±1% of its steady-state value.
- The line step transition time is ≥100 µs.
- Turn-on delay time from either a step application of input power or a logic low to a logic high transition on the inhibit pin (pin 3) to the point where VOUT = 90% of nominal.
- Load regulation relative to the output voltage at 50% of nominal-rated load.
- Line regulation relative to the output voltage at 28 VDC input.
- For operation at temperatures between 85°C and 125°C, de-rate power linearly from 50 W (or rated maximum) to zero. Parameter limits are not guaranteed.