26.5.10 Slave Control B

Offset: 0x0A
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bit 2 – ACKACT Acknowledge Action

The ACKACT(1) bit represents the behavior of the slave device under certain conditions defined by the bus protocol state and the software interaction. If the Smart Mode Enable (SMEN) bit in the Slave Control A (TWIn.SCTRLA) register is set to ‘1’, the acknowledge action is performed when the Slave Data (TWIn.SDATA) register is read, else a command must be written to the Command (SCMD) bit field in the Slave Control B (TWIn.SCTRLB) register.

The acknowledge action is not performed when the Slave Data (TWIn.SDATA) register is written, since the slave is sending data.

0 ACK Send ACK

Bits 1:0 – SCMD[1:0] Command

The SCMD(1) bit field is a strobe. This bit field is always read as ‘0’.

Writing to this bit field triggers a slave operation as defined by the table below.

Table 26-3. Command Settings
SCMD[1:0] Group Configuration DIR Description
0x0 NOACT X No action
0x1 X Reserved
0x2 COMPTRANS Used to complete a transaction
W Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by waiting for any Start (S/Sr) condition
R Wait for any Start (S/Sr) condition
0x3 RESPONSE Used in response to an address interrupt (APIF)
W Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by reception of next byte
R Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by slave data interrupt
Used in response to a data interrupt (DIF)
W Execute Acknowledge Action succeeded by reception of next byte
R Execute a byte read operation followed by Acknowledge Action
Note: 1. The ACKACT bit and the SCMD bit field can be written at the same time. The ACKACT will be updated before the command is triggered.