3.2.3 Bluetooth TX

The following table provides the command syntax for the Bluetooth TX test.

Table 3-19 3-21. Start Bluetooth TX: After Bluetooth Initialization
Command Syntax MCHPRT BT 1 X Y Z A B C F
X X refer to TX channel: 0 to 39
  • 0 – Channel 0 (2402 MHz)
  • 39 – Channel 39 (2480 MHz)
Y Y refers to Length: 0 – 37
  • 1 – 0x1
  • 37 – 0x25
Z Z refers to Payload: 1 – 8
  • 1 – PRBS9
  • 2 – 11110000
  • 3 – 10101010
  • 4 – PRBS15
  • 5 – 11111111
  • 6 – 00000000
  • 7 – 00001111
  • 8 – 01010101
A A refers to Digital Gain (Bypass mode):

Range: -20 to 0

DG: Dynamic Gain

B B refers PA gain (Bypass mode):
  • ATWILC1000/ATWINC15X0 – 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
  • ATWILC3000/ATWINC3400 – 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
DG: Dynamic Gain
C C refers to PPA gain (Bypass mode):
  • ATWILC1000/ATWINC15X0 – 9, 6, 3, 0
  • ATWILC3000/ATWINC3400 – 20, 18, 15, 12, 6, 0
Dynamic Gain
F F refers to Frequency offset:

-50 to +50 base on Crystal

XO: eFuse XO value
Example MCHPRT BT 1 0 37 0 -6 6 6 XO

Channel 0. 0x25 length, PRBS9 DG – 10, PPA 6 , PA 6

The following figure shows the example of Bluetooth TX test mode.

Figure 3-24 3-27. Console Log of Bluetooth TX Test Mode
The Bluetooth TX mode starts as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-25 3-28. BT TX Mode Start
Table 3-20. Start Bluetooth TX: After Bluetooth Initialization without Serial Port Connection
Command Syntax MCHPRT BT 1 X Y Z A B C F
A A refers to Digital Gain (Bypass mode):

Range: -20 to 0

DG: Dynamic Gain

B B refers PA gain (Bypass mode):
  • ATWILC1000/ATWINC15X0 – 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
  • ATWILC3000/ATWINC3400 – 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
Dynamic Gain
C C refers to PPA gain (Bypass mode):
  • ATWILC1000/ATWINC15X0 – 9, 6, 3, 0
  • ATWILC3000/ATWINC3400 – 20, 18, 15, 12, 6, 0
Dynamic Gain
F F refers to Frequency offset:

-50 to +50 base on Crystal

XO: eFuse XO value
Example MCHPRT BT 1 -6 6 6 XO

DG – 10, PPA 6 , PA 6

Figure 3-26. Bluetooth TX Log without Serial Port Connection