Hot-Plugging is the detection of a debugger probe when the system is not in Reset. Hot-Plugging is not possible under Reset because the detector is Reset when POR or MCLR are asserted. Hot-Plugging is active when a SWCLK falling edge is detected. The SWCLK pad is multiplexed with other functions and the user must ensure that its default function is assigned to the debug system. If changing the SWCLK pin function in the port, the Hot-Plugging feature is not disabled. Hot-Plugging is disabled with the CFGCON0.HPLUGDIS bit, which is enabled by default. Therefore, to use the SWCLK pin for GPIO functions, it must be disabled by setting CFGCON0.HPLUGDIS = 1
. The availability of the Hot-Plugging feature can be read from the Hot-Plugging Enable bit of the Status B register (STATUSB.HPE).
The presence of a debugger probe is detected when either Hot-Plugging or Cold-Plugging is detected. After the detection, the Debugger Present bit of the Status B register (STATUSB.DBGPRES) is set. For security reasons, the Hot-Plugging is not available when the Code Protect bit (FCPN0.CP) or SECCFG.DEBUG_LCK bit is protecting the device.
In this detection, the user must correctly power the pads. Thus, at cold start-up, this detection cannot be done until POR is released. If the device is protected using Code Protect bit (FCPN0.CP) or SECCFG.DEBUG_LCK bit, Cold-Plugging is the only way to detect a debugger probe, and so the external Reset timing must be longer than the POR timing. If deasserting the external Reset before POR release, the user must retry the above procedure until it gets connected to the device.