
The following registers are enable-protected, meaning that they can only be written when the TC is disabled (CTRLA.ENABLE = 0):

  • Control A register (CTRLA), except the Enable (ENABLE) and Software Reset (SWRST) bits
  • Drive Control register (DRVCTRL)
  • Wave register (WAVE)
  • Event Control register (EVCTRL)

Writing to enable-protected bits and setting the CTRLA.ENABLE bit can be performed in a single 32-bit access of the CTRLA register. Writing to enable-protected bits and clearing the CTRLA.ENABLE bit cannot be performed in a single 32-bit access.

Before enabling the TC, the peripheral must be configured by the following steps:
  1. Enable the TC bus clock if not already enabled by default (PB1_CLK).
  2. Select 8-, 16- or 32-bit counter mode via the TC Mode bit group in the Control A register (CTRLA.MODE). The default mode is 16-bit.
  3. Select one wave generation operation in the Waveform Generation Operation bit group in the WAVE register (WAVE.WAVEGEN).
  4. If desired, the GCLK_TCx clock can be prescaled via the Prescaler bit group in the Control A register (CTRLA.PRESCALER).
    • If the prescaler is used, select a prescaler synchronization operation via the Prescaler and Counter Synchronization bit group in the Control A register (CTRLA.PRESYNC).
  5. If desired, select one-shot operation by writing a ‘1’ to the One-Shot bit in the Control B Set register (CTRLBSET.ONESHOT).
  6. If desired, configure the counting direction down (starting from the TOP value) by writing a ‘1’ to the Counter Direction bit in the Control B register (CTRLBSET.DIR).
  7. For capture operation, enable the individual channels to capture in the Capture Channel x Enable bit group in the Control A register (CTRLA.CAPTEN).
  8. If desired, enable inversion of the waveform output or I/O pin input signal for individual channels via the Invert Enable bit group in the Drive Control register (DRVCTRL.INVEN).