31.2.1 Features

  • Support flash partitions
    • PFM - Program Flash Memory
    • BFM - Boot Flash Memory
    • CFM - Configuration Flash Memory
  • Mission Mode Write/Erase Features:
    • PFM Erase
    • Page Erase
    • Single Write (64-bit) + simple parity
    • Quad Write (256-bit) + SECDED ECC
    • Row Write (1KB) + SECDED ECC
      • Built-in DMA of data from Data RAM
    • All Write operations support Pre-Program to increase endurance and retention
  • BFM Address Swap
    • Supports Dual Boot
    • Support Live Update
  • PFM Address Swap
  • Debug Erase features are implemented by Boot ROM:
    • Identical to Mission Mode – PLUS:
      • Chip Erase: PFM and unprotected NVR pages
        • available to the Boot ROM only
      • NVR special pages must be unprotected to erase
      • NVR Test pages cannot be erased
      • ROM must lock feature not user accessible before it exits
  • Debug Programming Features
    • Identical to Mission Mode
    • Set DAL commands – SDALx
  • Program Flash Memory (PFM) Write Protect, with 8 protection regions
    • Region defined by Base and Size
    • Lockable
  • Boot Flash Memory (BFM) Write Protect
    • Individual (4KB) Page write protect regions
    • Compatible with Dual Boot
    • Lockable
  • Flash based User OTP pages
    • Not erased by Chip Erase or Page Erase
    • Four Lockable Write Protect regions per Page
    • Supports storage of user calibration values
  • Boot ROM Support: Boot CFG and User CFG Write Protection