Tx Event Handling

To support Tx event handling the CAN has implemented a Tx Event FIFO. After the CAN has transmitted a message on the CAN bus, Message ID and timestamp are stored in a Tx Event FIFO element. To link a Tx event to a Tx Event FIFO element, the Message Marker from the transmitted Tx Buffer is copied into the Tx Event FIFO element.

The Tx Event FIFO can be configured to a maximum of 32 elements. The Tx Event FIFO element is described in Tx Event FIFO Element.

When a Tx Event FIFO full condition is signaled by IR.TEFF bit (IR <14>), no further elements are written to the Tx Event FIFO until at least one element has been read out and the Tx Event FIFO Get Index has been incremented. In case a Tx event occurs while the Tx Event FIFO is full, this event is discarded and interrupt flag IR.TEFL bit (IR <15>) is set.

To avoid a Tx Event FIFO overflow, the Tx Event FIFO watermark can be used. When the Tx Event FIFO fill level reaches the Tx Event FIFO watermark configured by TXEFC.EFWM bit (TXEFC <29:24>), interrupt flag IR.TEFW bit (IR <13>) is set.

When reading from the Tx Event FIFO, two times the Tx Event FIFO Get Index TXEFS.EFGI bit (TXEFS <12:8>) has to be added to the Tx Event FIFO start address TXEFC.EFSA bit (TXEFC <15:0>).