37.2 Features

All USB modules include the following features:

  • USB Hi-Speed, Full-Speed, and Low-Speed (in Host Mode only)
  • USB support with one or more Hi-Speed, Full-Speed, or Low-Speed device
  • Integrated internal USB signaling resistors
  • Integrated analog comparators for VBUS monitoring
  • Integrated USB transceiver
  • Transaction handshaking performed by hardware
  • Integrated 8-channel DMA to access system RAM and Flash
  • Seven transmit endpoints and seven receive endpoints, in addition to Endpoint 0
  • Session Request Protocol (SRP) and Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) support
  • Suspend and resume signaling support
  • Dynamic FIFO sizing
  • Integrated RAM for the FIFOs, eliminating the need for system RAM for the FIFOs
  • Link power management support
  1. The implementation and use of the USB specifications,and other third party specifications or technologies, may require licensing; including, but not limited to, USB Implementers Forum, Inc. (also referred to as USB-IF). The user is fully responsible for investigating and satisfying any applicable licensing obligations.
  2. If the USB module is used, the Primary Oscillator (XOSC) is limited to either 12 MHz, 24 MHz.
  3. External 270 (+/-1%) hm resister is required on the USBRBIASx pin to AVSS.