Peripheral - FreeRTOS BLE Stack and App Initialize

Getting Started

Getting Started with Peripheral Building Blocks

FreeRTOS BLE Stack and App Initialize –> Adding UART


This document will help users create a new MCC Harmony project, configure the FreeRTOS and BLE stack components in the project and generate code using the MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC).

It is recommended to follow the examples in order, by learning the basic concepts first and then progressing to the more advanced topics.

Hardware Requirement


Software Setup

Getting Started with Software Development

Steps to Init BLE Stack

This section explains the steps required by a user to develop this application example from scratch using the MPLAB Code Configurator.
Note: It is recommended that new users of MPLAB Code Configurator go through this overview.
  1. Create a new MCC Harmony Project. For more details on creating a new MCC Harmony Project, refer to Creating a New MCC Harmony Project.

  2. Open the MPLAB Code Configurator.
    Default MPLAB Code Configurator window
  3. In the Device Resources window, expand Libraries > Harmony > Wireless > Drivers > BLE and click the plus symbol next to the BLE Stack component to add it on to the project graph
  4. After BLE Stack is added to the project graph, different component dependencies will be requested to be added as well. User has to select yes to add the dependent components.

  5. Verify the Project Graph

  6. Display the FreeRTOS component configuration options by selecting the component in the project graph. Configure the FreeRTOS component to the following. The configuration chosen here must suit most application needs. Users are recommended to follow the FreeRTOS Customization documentation accordingly.
    Note: Upon selecting any component, the default configuration options available for the user are displayed.
    Note: By default, the "Total heap size" is set to a default value which might not be sufficient to a specific project. If the total heap size is not enough, vApplicationMallocFailedHook( ) will be caght. Then user can adjust the "Total heap size" to avoid this situation.
    Note: It is required to address the heap needed or BLE stack library as defined in initialization.c #define EXT_COMMON_MEMORY_SIZE (22*1024). Hence the default "Total heap size" allocated by core component is not sufficient. Allocate atleast 59392 size
  7. Display the BLE Stack component configuration options by selecting the component in the project graph. Configure the BLE Stack component to the following. By default, the peripheral device functionality is enabled.
  8. Generate the code

  9. Switch to the IDE window, right click on the project, and open the Project Properties

  10. Ensure correct compiler version as suggested in Getting Started with Software Development is chosen then click apply

  11. Build Project and upon building the project, user action is required

  12. Build Project again and the project will now compile successfully

Where to go from here

Adding UART