12.4 Viewing Physical Device Error Counters

To view the physical device error counters for a hard drive or SSD, select the drive in the Enterprise View then, on the Storage Dashboard, click the Error Counters tab. The table below describes the error counters.

Error Counter


Aborted Command

Number of times a drive was failed due to aborted commands that could not be retried successfully.

Bad Target Error

Number of times that this drive did something that did not conform to the SCSI Bus Protocol. It will cause a reset of the SCSI bus that this drive is attached to.

ECC Recovered Read Errors

Number of ECC‑corrected read errors.

Failed Read Recover

Number of times a recover of another physical drive in the logical volume failed due to a hard read error from this drive.

Failed Write Recover

Number of times a recover of this physical drive failed due to an error occurring on this drive during a write operation.

Format Error

Number of times a Format command (used when remapping defects) failed. A failed remap operation may cause the controller to fail a drive.

Hardware Error

Number of times a drive returned a bad hardware status. The drive may be failed if retries do not work.

Hard Read Error

Number of unrecoverable read errors.

Hard Write Error

Number of unrecoverable write errors.

Hot-Plug Count

Number of times this drive was hot-plugged (removed) from a box.

Media Failure

Number of times a drive was failed due to unrecoverable media errors.

Not Ready Error

Number of times the drive was failed because it never became ready after the “spin up” command was issued. If retries or drive spin-ups fail, the drive will be failed.

Other Timeouts

Timeouts other than Data ReQuest Timeouts (DRQ).

Predictive Failure

Number of times that the drive returned a predictive failure error.

Retry Recovered Read Error

Number of retry‑recovered read errors.

Retry Recovered Write Error

Number of retry‑recovered write errors.

SCSI Bus Fault

Number of “bus faults”, which we define as SCSI bus parity errors, overrun/underrun conditions, etc.

Service Hours

Number of service hours since the last power cycle.

Sectors Written

Number of sectors written to media.

Sectors Read

Number of sectors read from the media. This value will include sectors read into the on-drive cache buffer only if the drive keeps track of this value. Otherwise, only sectors requested through the drive interface are counted.