4 Device Memory Usage

Table 4-1. Total memory usage of PIC16F18857 in bytes for each protocol at different optimization levels
Protocol -O0 -O1 -O2 -O3 -Os
IPV4+ARP 13,668 12,878 12,583 10,999 9,993
UDP 15,348 14,436 14,117 12,399 11,293
DHCP 21,635 20,421 19,595 17,465 16,301
TCP 27,367 25,937 25,421 17,465 20,480
ICMP 16,994 16,063 15,475 13,666 12,556
TFTP 19,542 18,433 17,754 15,684 14,604
NTP 15,708 14,788 14,466 12,682 11,585
DNS 17,687 16,622 16,279 14,495 13,129
LLDP 16,541 15,566 15,225 13,591 12,425
Table 4-2. Total memory usage of AVR64DD32 in bytes for each protocol at different optimization levels
Protocol -O0 -O1 -O2 -O3 -Os
IPV4+ARP 18,172 11,716 11,240 17,798 9,660
UDP 17,984 11,328 10,820 18,406 10,062
DHCP 24,293 15,935 15,291 24,221 13,985
TCP 28,666 18,626 17,408 26,242 14,916
ICMP 20,449 13,231 12,489 21,765 11,653
TFTP 21,316 13,712 12,992 21,910 12,074
NTP 18,368 11,582 11,074 18,660 10,280
DNS 19,184 12,044 11,510 19,516 10,740
LLDP 18,893 11,747 11,205 18,761 10,473
  1. Table displays total memory usage which includes the peripheral and other necessary drivers for respective devices.
  2. Memory usage values generated using the toolchain listed under System Requirements page.
  3. IPV4 and ARP are always generated for all protocols, hence they are part of the memory usage for all of them.
  4. DCHP, TFTP, NTP and DNS protocols require UDP, hence it is part of the respective memory usage.