HSM Server Architecture

The HSM module must be attached to the host PC running standard Thales nShield software. This software provides access to the HSM module. U-HSM and M-HSM servers have an architecture that is similar to the U-HSM architecture shown in the following figure, but the client software is FlashPro Express instead of the Job Manager.

Figure 15-47. HSM Server Diagram

The client application (Job Manager in this diagram) makes a request to the server. The HSM server Software running on the host PC receives the client request. Depending on request, it reads all required information from the database on the host PC and passes it through nShield software to the firmware running inside the HSM module. The HSM module decrypts received keys and processes the request. It encrypts output data and sends the response back to the HSM server. Some information is stored in the local database (for example, CoC). Client call-requested information is returned to the caller.

The SEE firmware is stored on disc of the host PC in encrypted form (see HSM Security Environment for details).