43.7.17 ADACC

Important: This register contains signed two’s complement accumulator value and the upper unused bits contain copies of the sign bit.
  1. This register can only be written when GO = 0.
  2. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • ADACCU: Accesses the upper byte ADACC[17:16]
    • ADACCH: Accesses the high byte ADACC[15:8]
    • ADACCL: Accesses the low byte ADACC[7:0]
Address: 0x3E3

Bit 2322212019181716 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset xx 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset xxxxxxxx 
Bit 76543210 
Reset xxxxxxxx 

Bits 17:0 – ACC[17:0] ADC Accumulator - Signed two’s complement

This register can only be written when GO ADC Conversion Status(1,2) = 0. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names: ADACCU: Accesses the upper byte ADACC[17:16] ADACCH: Accesses the high byte ADACC[15:8] ADACCL: Accesses the low byte ADACC[7:0]