43.7.24 ADCTX

ADC Context Selection Register
  1. The context number is always one number greater than the value written into the CTX bits. For example, when the CTX bits are written with zero (CTX = 0), Context 1 is in view.
  2. When CTXSW is set, the CTX bits are read-only and may only be read while context sequencing is enabled (CSEN = 1).
Address: 0x3FB

Bit 76543210 
 CTXSW     CTX[1:0] 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bit 7 – CTXSW Context Display Select

1 The scanner’s current context number is displayed in the CTX bits; the CTX bits are read-only(2)
0 The user’s current context number is displayed in the CTX bits; the CTX bits are read/write

Bits 1:0 – CTX[1:0] Channel Context Selection

n CTXSW = 1 Scanner’s current channel context number
n CTXSW = 0 User’s current channel context number
The context number is always one number greater than the value written into the CTX bits. For example, when the CTX bits are written with zero (CTX = 0), Context 1 is in view. When CTXSW is set, the CTX bits are read-only and may only be read while context sequencing is enabled (CSENADC Context Scan Enable = 1).