38.8.1 Receive Message Object

Table 38-10 specifies the receive message object used by the RX FIFOs. The receive objects contain the message ID, control bits, payload and timestamp.
  • SID: Standard Identifier (ID) or Base ID.
  • EID: Extended Identifier.
  • DLC: Data Length Code; specifies the number of data bytes in the frame (see DLC Encoding).
  • IDE: Identifier Extension; IDE = 0 means a Base Identifier frame is received. IDE = 1 means an Extended Identifier frame is received.
  • RTR: Remote Transmit Request; this bit is only specified in CAN 2.0 frames. If this bit is set, the module is requested to respond with a frame transmission.
  • FDF: FD Frame; if this bit is set, a CAN FD frame is received; otherwise, a CAN 2.0 frame is received.
  • BRS: Bit Rate Switch; the data phase of a CAN FD frame is received using DBR if this bit is set. If the bit is clear, the whole frame is received using NBR.
  • ESI: Error Status Indicator; the ESI bit reflects the error status of the transmitting node. A recessive ESI bit in a CAN FD frame indicates that the transmitting node is error passive; a dominant bit shows that the transmitting node is error active.
  • FILHIT: Indicates the number of the filter that matched the received message.
  • RXMSGTS: Timestamp of the received message; timestamping can be enabled for each RX FIFO individually using RXTSEN (C1FIFOCONxL[5]). The receive message object will not contain RXMSGTS if timestamping is disabled.
  • Receive Buffer Data: Contains the payload of the message. The maximum payload is configured by the PLSIZEx bits (CxFIFOCON[31:29]).