5.7 Driver Option Descriptions

Most aspects of the compilation process can be controlled using options passed to the command-line driver, xc32-gcc.

The GCC compiler on which the MPLAB XC32 C/C++ Compiler is based provides many options in addition to those discussed in this document. It is recommended that you avoid any option that has not been documented here, especially those that control the generation or optimization of code.

All single letter options are identified by a leading dash character, “-”, for example, -c. Some single letter options specify an additional data field which follows the option name immediately and without any whitespace, for example, -Idir. Options are case sensitive, so -c is a different option to -C. All options are identified by single or double leading dash character, for example, -c or --version.

Use the --help option to obtain a brief description of accepted options on the command line.

If you are compiling from within the MPLAB X IDE, it will issue explicit options to the compiler that are based on the selections in the project's Project Properties dialog. The default project options might be different to the default options used by the compiler when running on the command line, so you should review these to ensue that they are acceptable.