5.7.8 Options for Controlling the Preprocessor

The options tabulated below control the preprocessor and are discussed in the sections that follow.

Table 5-16. Preprocessor Options

(links to explanatory section)

-CPreserve comments.
-dlettersMake debugging dumps of preprocessor macros.
-Dmacro[=defn]Define a macro .
-HPrint the name of each header file used.
-imacros fileInclude file macro definitions only.
-include fileProcess file as input before processing the regular input file.
-MGenerate make rule.
-MDWrite dependency information to file.
-MF fileSpecify dependency file.
-MGIgnore missing header files.
-MMGenerate make rule for quoted headers.
-MMDGenerate make rule for user headers.
-MPAdd phony target for dependency.
-MQChange rule target with quotes.
-MT targetChange rule target.
-nostdincOmit system directories from header search.
-PDon’t generate #line directives.
-fno-show-columnOmit column numbers in diagnostics.
-trigraphsSupport ANSI C trigraphs.
-UmacroUndefine a macro.
-undefDo not predefine any nonstandard macros.