30.5.14 Result

The RESL and RESH register pair represents the 16-bit value, RES. The low byte [7:0] (suffix L) is accessible at the original offset. The high byte [15:8] (suffix H) can be accessed at offset + 0x01. For more details on reading and writing 16-bit registers, refer to 8.5.6 Accessing 16-bit Registers.

If the analog input is higher than the reference level of the ADC, the 10 bit ADC result will be equal the max value of 0x3FF. Likewise, if the input is below 0V, the ADC result will be 0x000. As the ADC cannot produce a result above 0x3FF values, the accumulated value will never exceed 0xFFC0 even after maximum allowed 64 accumulations.

Name: RES
Offset: 0x10
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 15:8 – RES[15:8] Result high byte

These bits constitute the MSB of RES register, where the msb is RES[15]. The ADC itself has 10-bit output, ADC[9:0], where the msb is ADC[9]. The data format in ADC and Digital Accumulation is 1’s complement, where 0x0000 represents the zero and 0xFFFF represent the largest number (full scale).

Bits 7:0 – RES[7:0] Result low byte

These bits constitute the LSB of ADC/Accumulator Result, (RES) register. The data format in ADC and Digital Accumulation is 1’s complement, where 0x0000 represents the zero and 0xFFFF represent the largest number (full scale).