16 I/O Ports

Table 16-1. Port Availability per Device

Each port has eight registers to control the operation. These registers are:

  • PORTx registers (reads the levels on the pins of the device)
  • LATx registers (output latch)
  • TRISx registers (data direction)
  • ANSELx registers (analog select)
  • WPUx registers (weak pull-up)
  • INLVLx (input level control)
  • SLRCONx registers (slew rate control)
  • ODCONx registers (open-drain control)

Most port pins share functions with device peripherals, both analog and digital. In general, when a peripheral is enabled on a port pin, that pin cannot be used as a general purpose output; however, the pin can still be read.

The Data Latch (LATx registers) is useful for read-modify-write operations on the value that the I/O pins are driving.

A write operation to the LATx register has the same effect as a write to the corresponding PORTx register. A read of the LATx register reads of the values held in the I/O PORT latches, while a read of the PORTx register reads the actual I/O pin value.

Ports that support analog inputs have an associated ANSELx register. When an ANSELx bit is set, the digital input buffer associated with that bit is disabled.

Disabling the input buffer prevents analog signal levels on the pin between a logic high and low from causing excessive current in the logic input circuitry. A simplified model of a generic I/O port, without the interfaces to other peripherals, is shown in the following figure:

Figure 16-1. Generic I/O Port Operation