9.4 Power Consumption

The following current consumption values are provided for information only.

Current consumption can vary according to temperature, MPU load, GPU load and customer application (hardware connections, software application not listed).

Table 9-4. Power Consumption
Node Measurement Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
5V_MAIN Current consumption Linux and Ethernet transfer. 5V_MAIN = 5.00V 115 130 mA
5V_MAIN Current consumption Linux in Idle1 5V_MAIN = 5.00V 90 105 mA
5V_MAIN Current consumption System off, all supplies off. 5V_MAIN = 5.00V 10 25 µA
VDDBU Current consumption VDDBU = 3.3V, @ 25°C 2.43 µA
VDDBU Current consumption 1.6V < VDDBU < 3.6V. All temperature ranges, all modes 1.4 5 µA
  1. "Linux in Idle" means that Linux is loaded and that the prompt is shown on the console, waiting for instructions.