Variables to Control Tool Names/Locations

The following variables can be overridden:

MP_CCComplete path to C compiler executable name
MP_BCComplete path to Basic compiler executable name
MP_ASComplete path to assembler executable name
MP_LDComplete path to linker executable name
MP_ARComplete path to archiver executable name
MP_CC_DIRDirectory to C compiler executable
MP_BC_DIRDirectory to basic compiler executable
MP_AS_DIRDirectory to assembler compiler executable
MP_LD_DIRDirectory to linker compiler executable
MP_AR_DIRDirectory to archiver compiler executable
# Example *nix:
make MP_CC=/opt/microchip/xc32/4.21/bin/xc32-gcc.exe 
# Example Windows:
make "C:/Program\ Files/Microchip/xc32/4.21/bin/xc32-gcc.exe"