6.6.1 Projects Window View

The Projects window is the main entry point to your projects. It shows a logical view of important project contents. For more on this window, see 14.24 Projects Window.

You will, at very least, need to add source files to your project. MPLAB X IDE will find many default files for you (header files, linker scripts). You may add library and precompiled object files, as well as edited header and linker script files. Other files may be needed depending on the project device. Files that will not be included in the build may be placed under Important Files.

Figure 6-53. Projects Window – Simple C Code Project
Table 6-8. Projects Window Definitions
Virtual Folder Files Contained
Header Files Header files (.h or .inc)
Important Files Important files, such as makefiles
. Other documents can be placed here, such as data sheet PDFs.
Linker Files Linker files (.ld, .gld or .lkr)
Source Files Source files (.c, .cpp or .asm)
Libraries Library files (.a or .lib)
Loadables Precompiled object files (.o)
Other Folders Other folders and files may be needed based on project device. Arm examples are:
  • Device_Startup: _startup.c, etc.
  • Device actions:
  • Script Files: autoload.py

See also the NetBeans help topic. Select Help > Online Help Contents and in the Search tab enter Projects Window C or C++. Find the first occurrence of “Projects Window” in the list.