46.4.7 PTC Characteristics

PTC Power Consumption

The values given in the table below are measured values of power consumption under the following conditions:

  • Operating conditions
    • VDD = 5.0V
  • Clocks
    • OSC48M used as main clock source, running undivided at 48 MHz
    • CPU is running on Flash with 2 wait states at 48 MHz
    • PTC running at 4 MHz
  • PTC configuration
    • Mutual-Capacitance mode
    • One-touch channel
  • System configuration
    • Standby Sleep mode enabled
    • RTC running on ULP32K: used to define the PTC scan rate through the event system
    • Drift Calibration disabled: no interrupts, PTC scans are performed in Standby mode
    • Drift Calibration enabled: RTC interrupts (wake up) the CPU to perform PTC scans. PTC drift calibration is performed every 1.5 second.
Table 46-10. Power Consumption (1)
Symbol Parameters Drift Calibration PTC scan rate Oversamples Ta Typ. Max. Units
IDD Current Consumption Disabled 10 4 Max. 105°C Typ. 25°C 24 519 µA
16 43 543
50 4 17 512
16 22 518
100 4 16 511
16 19 515
200 4 16 511
16 17 513
Enabled 10 4 30 530
16 50 554
50 4 20 517
16 24 522
100 4 18 516
16 21 518
200 4 17 515
16 19 517
  1. These values are based on characterization.