4.4.8 Connecting to a UPDI Target

The recommended pinout for the 6-pin UPDI connector is shown in Figure 4-12.

Connection to a 6-pin 100-mil UPDI Header

Use the 6-pin 100-mil tap on the flat cable (included in some kits) to connect to a standard 100-mil UPDI header.

Connection to a 6-pin 50-mil UPDI Header

Use the adapter board (included in some kits) to connect to a standard 50-mil UPDI header.

Connection to a Custom 100-mil Header

The 10-pin mini-squid cable should be used to connect between the Power Debugger AVR connector port and the target board. Three connections are required, as described in the table below.

Table 4-14. Power Debugger UPDI Pin Mapping
Power Debugger AVR PORT Pin Target Pins Mini-Squid Pin Microchip STK600 UPDI Pinout
Pin 1 (TCK)1
Pin 2 (GND)GND26
Pin 4 (VTG)VTG42
Pin 5 (TMS)5
Pin 6 (nSRST)6
Pin 7 (Not connected)7
Pin 8 (nTRST)8
Pin 9 (TDI)9
Pin 10 (GND)0