1.2.4 Atmel Studio 6.2

  • Advanced Software Framework 3.17.0
  • AVR 8-bit Toolchain 3.4.4 (with upstream GCC 4.8.1)
  • AVR 32-bit Toolchain 3.4.2 (with upstream GCC 4.4.7)
  • Arm GCC Toolchain 4.8.3
  • Support for Atmel-ICE
  • Support for Xplained Mini
  • Support for data breakpoints
  • Read OSCCAL calibration for tinyAVR® and megaAVR®
  • Create ELF production files for AVR 8-bit using the programming dialogue
  • Live Watch
  • Non-intrusive trace support for SAM3 and SAM4 family of devices including:
    • Interrupt trace and monitoring
    • Data trace
    • FreeRTOS awareness
    • Statistical code profiling
  • Polled Data trace support for Cortex M0+
  • Default debugger for SAM devices is now GDB. GDB does, in some scenarios, handle debugging of optimized code better.
  • Support to create a GCC Board project (Microchip board\User board) for ALL the installed versions of ASF
  • New ASF Board Wizard, to Add or Remove Board Project Template
  • Improved loading time of New Example Project dialog by loading only one ASF version by default
  • IDR events now get displayed in a separate pane in the output window
  • LSS file syntax highlighting