1.2.1 Microchip Studio for AVR® and SAM Devices

Microchip Studio for AVR® and SAM Devices 7.0.2594

  • Support for MPLAB® PICkit™ 4 with a firmware update
  • Updated debugger firmware for device support with Atmel-ICE, JTAGICE3, and Power Debugger
  • Support for project import of MPLAB® Code Configurator generated projects
  • Advanced Software Framework 3.52.0, including previous version back to 3.44.1

Microchip Studio for AVR® and SAM Devices 7.0.2542

  • Renaming of Atmel Studio to Microchip Studio for AVR and SAM Devices
  • Microchip Studio installer bundles with the AVR GCC Toolchain, Arm GCC Toolchain, and the MPLAB® XC8 Compiler with AVR devices support. To unlock all optimization options of the MPLAB XC8 Compiler, try or get a PRO license.
  • Default optimization for debug configuration is -Og, previous it was -O1
  • Improved scrolling performance on large projects/files
  • AVR Macro assembler version 2.2.8
  • Advanced Software Framework 3.49.1, including previous version back to 3.42
  • Updated kit recognition

Atmel Studio 7.0.2397

  • Updated nEDGB firmware (v1.14.464) fixing a connection issue

Atmel Studio 7.0.2389

Atmel Studio 7.0.2389 contains:
  • Advanced Software Framework 3.47.0
  • AVR 8-bit GCC Toolchain 3.6.2
  • Arm GCC Toolchain 6.3.1 with Upstream Versions: GCC (Arm/embedded-6-branch revision 249437), GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain: 6-2017-q2-update
  • Inclusion of the Most Recent Device Family Packs Included in Installer as of Sept. 2019. Use the Device Pack Manager to Check for Updates to get the Newest Device Support or Download an Older Device Family Pack for Legacy Support.
  • Contains Fixes for the Following Issues:
    • AVRSV-8221: Issue with SRAM access seen for ATtiny817 with EDBG
    • AVRSV-8212: Reading Target voltage for SAMD21 fails
    • AVRSV-8187: Support for CMSIS 5.4.0 schema in atpackmanager
    • AVRSV-8170: SAM D51, E5x - ELF parsing incorrect with ECC in Flash
    • AVRSV-8105: Erase User page before programming fails for SAME54
    • AVRSV-8073: SAM E54 User Page read/write using atprogram
    • AVRSV-8130: Studio picks up old JLinkArm.dll instead of the installed one
    • AVRSV-8166: tinyAVR®-2 devices are not compiling due to incorrect memory definition in a linker script
    • AVRSV-8176: EEPROM and User Signature erase broken on UPDI
    • AVRSV-8158: Unable to build ASM-projects for AVR64DA128 in Studio
    • AVRSV-8123: Reading voltage doesn't work when device ID does not match
    • AVRSV-8152: Update lib-elf-dwarf build job from stash to bitbucket
    • AVRSV-8132: ChipErase issue with J-Link
    • AVRSV-8131: SAMD21J17D is unable to Program or Debug with Atmel-ICE
    • AVRSV-8171: SAM L11 BOOTOPT programming issue
    • AVRSV-8159: Not able to program BOCOR on SAML11 from within an ELF file
    • AVRSV-8149: Breakpoints support for TrustZone SG assembly instruction
    • AVRSV-8182: Issue with Secure Boot support for SAM L11

Atmel Studio 7.0.1931

Atmel Studio 7.0.1931 contains:
  • Advanced Software Framework 3.40.0
  • New Microchip Gallery extension
  • Atmel START Extension Provides Improved Feedback on Required Device Pack Dependencies
  • Support for Arm® Cortex®-M23 Architecture with TrustZone
  • Support for Kits with the New nEDBG Debugger Platform
  • Support for Devices:
    • ATSAMHA1E[14|15|16]AB
    • ATSAML10[D|E][14|15|16]A
    • ATSAML11[D|E][14|15|16]A
    • ATtiny202, ATtiny204, ATtiny402, ATtiny404, ATtiny406, ATtiny804, ATtiny806, ATtiny807, ATtiny1604, ATtiny1606, ATtiny1607
  • AVR 8-bit GCC Toolchain 3.6.1
  • Arm GCC Toolchain 6.3.1 with Upstream Versions: GCC (Arm/embedded-6-branch revision 249437), GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain: 6-2017-q2-update
  • Atmel Studio 7.0.1931 Contains Fixes for the Following Issues that were Present in 7.0.1645:
    • AVRSV-8001: Tool firmware upgrade instability.
    • AVRSV-8063: ELF production file programming did not support fuses for the ATtiny817 family.
    • AVRSV-8075: Launch of debugging with ATSAM4L unstable in some cases.
    • AVRSV-7895: Solution with links between projects compiles the wrong file.
    • AVRSV-7745: Linked files in a subfolder cause build failure.
    • AVRSV-7939: Function breakpoint fails for AVR devices.
    • AVRSV-8005: Writing fuses and memory sometimes fails cases on M0+ devices.

Atmel Studio 7.0.1645

Atmel Studio 7.0.1645 contains:
  • Advanced Software Framework
  • Support for Devices:
    • ATmega4808, ATmega4809
    • ATtiny1614, ATtiny3214, ATtiny3216, ATtiny3217
    • ATSAMC[20|21][J|N][15|17|18]A
    • ATSAMD20[E|G|J][14|15|16]B
    • ATSAMD51[G|J|N|P][18|19|20]A
    • ATSAME[51|53|54][J|N][18|19|20]
    • ATSAME70[N|Q][19|20|21]B
    • ATSAMS70[J|N|Q][19|20|21]B
  • AVR 8-bit GCC Toolchain 3.6.1
  • Arm GCC Toolchain 6.3.1 with Upstream Versions: GCC (Arm/embedded-6-branch revision 249437), GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain: 6-2017-q2-update
  • Atmel Studio 7.0.1645 Contains Fixes for the Following Issues that were Present in 7.0.1417:
    • AVRSV-7798: ATtiny817 fuse programming from the ELF issue fixed.
    • AVRSV-7742: Compiling an imported Arduino sketch for Arduino zero shows an error.
    • AVRSV-7903: Studio automatically sets GPNVM bits [7:8], thereby enabling TCM.
    • AVRSV-7892: Writing SAML22 RWW Flash fails.
    • AVRSV-7889: Skewed debug info for AVR 8-bit in AS 7.0.1417.
    • AVRSV-7883: Incorrect warning message for KB2978092 during the installation of AS 7.0.1417.
    • AVRSV-7106: Hex parser fails on UNIX® line endings.
    • AVRSV-4914: Add support for new avr-gcc __int24 and __uint24 types.
    • AVRSV-7877: Devices with external SRAM fails to calculate available SRAM.
    • AVRSV-7845: Crash in _ReallyTerminateAfterLaunchFinished.
    • AVRSV-7834: Pack manager fails to download CMSIS DFPs.
    • AVRSV-7876: Add checksum fields to the http header for KitsDatabase.xml.
    • AVRSV-7854: NaN values not handled by atprogram.
    • AVRSV-7911: Problems reading device ID on ATmega4809.
    • AVRSV-7202: Arduino Library Grouping can have a better representation.
    • AVRSV-7927: Security Bit Window in Device Programming may not always be available depending on the MCUs.
    • AVRSV-7973: Chip erase outside prog session fails on SAM4L.
    • AVRSV-7961: FUSE configuration warning for BOD( BODCFG.LVL) is incorrect in Atmel Studio.
Note: QTouch® Composer extension must be updated to version 5.9.122 or later to work with Atmel Studio 7.0.1645.

Atmel Studio 7.0.1417

Atmel Studio 7.0.1417 contains a fix for the following issue that was present in 7.0.1416:
  • AVRSV-7827: New WinUSB driver fails to install on 32-bit Windows®

Atmel Studio 7.0.1416

The following changes are done in Atmel Studio 7.0.1416:
  • Changed Driver to WinUSB for AVR Dragon, AVRISP mkII, JTAGICE mkII, JTAGICE3, AVR ONE!, STK600, and QT600
  • Installer Improvements
  • Improved Support for Installing Older Device Family Packs
  • AVR 8-bit GCC Toolchain 3.6.0 with Upstream Versions:
    • GCC 5.4.0
    • Binutils 2.26.20160125
    • avr-libc 2.0.0
    • gdb 7.8
  • Arm GCC Toolchain 6.2.1 with Upstream Versions:
    • GCC (Arm/embedded-6-branch revision 243739), GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain: 6-2016-q4-major
    • Binutils 2.27
    • gdb 7.12
  • Advanced Software Framework 3.34.1
Atmel Studio 7.0.1416 contains a fix for the following issues that were present in 7.0.1188:
  • AVRSV-7492: Illegal PC value after a few resume-suspend cycles on SAMD10.
  • AVRSV-7486: Debugging may fail in Cortex®-M0+ SAM devices at a high clock.
  • AVRSV-7693: Go to source from Watch window crashes studio.
  • AVRSV-7741: Writing Flash or EEPROM with a size of 0x100 or 0x1000 fails on ISP/SPI programming.

Atmel Studio 7.0.1188

The following changes are done in Atmel Studio 7.0.1188:
  • Added Support for New AVR8X Architecture
  • Installer Improvements
  • Improved Arduino Import
  • Change How Fuses are listed in the Programming Dialog
  • AVR 8-bit GCC Toolchain 3.5.4 with Upstream Versions:
    • GCC 4.9.2
    • Binutils 2.26
    • avr-libc 2.0.0
    • gdb 7.8
Atmel Studio 7.0.1188 Contains a Fix for the Following Issues that were Present in 7.0.1006:
  • AVRSV-7149: When writing EEPROM, bytes that are 0xFF are wrongly skipped.
  • AVRSV-7393: Atmel Studio backend crashes when debugging a COFF object file.
  • AVRSV-7564: Atmel Studio installation is hanging.
  • AVRSV-7580: Atmel Studio not handling DCACHE properly on SAM Cortex®-M7 devices.
  • AVRSV-7582: Remove white spaces while saving the file does not show the anticipated effect.
  • AVRSV-7594: Atmel Studio crashes in some cases when you stop debugging.
  • AVRSV-7602: Cannot find bounds of the current function.
  • AVRSV-7607: Invalid MTB buffer start address for SAML2x and SAMC2x devices.

Atmel Studio 7.0.1006

The following changes are done in Atmel Studio 7.0.1006:
  • New Atmel START Extension That Allows the User to Create and Configure Atmel START Projects within Atmel Studio
  • Ability to Load Multiple Modules in a Debug Session (experimental)
  • AVR 8-bit GCC Toolchain 3.5.3 with Upstream Versions:
    • GCC 4.9.2
    • Binutils 2.26
    • avr-libc 2.0.0
    • gdb 7.8
  • Arm GCC Toolchain 5.3.1 with Upstream Versions:
    • GCC (Arm/embedded-5-branch revision 234589)
    • Binutils 2.26
    • gdb 7.10
Atmel Studio 7.0.1006 Contains a Fix for the Following Issues that were Present in 7.0.943:
  • AVRSV-6878: Atmel Studio write the write-once wdt registers on some SAM devices.
  • AVRSV-7470: SAM Cortex®-M7 devices fail to launch occasionally.
  • AVRSV-7471: Devices with external and internal RAM list all the available RAM.
  • AVRSV-7473: Atmel Studio hangs during start-up.
  • AVRSV-7474: Kits connected to Atmel Studio are not getting enumerated in the QTouch Start Page.
  • AVRSV-7477: Show all files that do not work from solution explorer.
  • AVRSV-7482: Exception when adding a breakpoint on SAM4L.
  • AVRSV-7486: Debugging may fail in Cortex®-M0+ SAM devices at high clock speeds.

Atmel Studio 7.0.943

Atmel Studio 7.0.943 contains a fix for the following issue:
  • AVRSV-7459: Projects containing files with uppercase filenames can fail to build. Saving files with uppercase filenames convert filenames to lower case.

Atmel Studio 7.0.934

The following changes are done in Atmel Studio 7.0.934:
  • AVR 8-bit GCC Toolchain 3.5.2 with Upstream Versions:
    • GCC 4.9.2
    • Binutils 2.26
    • avr-libc 2.0.0
    • gdb 7.8
  • AVR 32-bit GCC Toolchain 3.4.3 with Upstream Versions:
    • GCC 4.4.7
    • Binutils 2.23.1
    • Newlib 1.16.0
  • Arm GCC Toolchain 4.9.3 with Upstream Versions:
    • GCC (Arm/embedded-4_9-branch revision 224288)
    • Binutils 2.24
    • gdb
Atmel Studio 7.0.934 resolves the following issues present in Atmel Studio 7.0.790:
  • AVRSV-7376: Atmel-ICE slow programming.
  • AVRSV-7379: Unhandled exception when writing fuses or lock bits when Auto Read is turned off.
  • AVRSV-7396: Some machines show an error regarding 'Exception in MemoryPressureReliever'.
  • AVRSV-7400: When in Standard mode, Disable debugWIRE and Close are not visible in the Debug menu.
  • AVRSV-7408: When using Atmel Studio in Standard mode, the Set Startup Project menu is missing.

Atmel Studio 7.0.790

The following features are added in Atmel Studio 7.0.790:
  • Support for Mass Storage Mode in Embedded Debugger (EDBG), Enabling Drag and Drop Programming
  • Introduction of User Interface Profiles. The User can Choose an Interface Where Some Toolbar Buttons and Menu Items are Removed.
  • Support for Importing Libraries to Previously Imported Sketches. Added support for Arduino Zero and Zero Pro.
  • Parallel Build Turned on by Default
Atmel Studio 7.0.790 resolves the following issues present in Atmel Studio 7.0.634:
  • AVRSV-7084: Persist user settings during the upgrade.
  • AVRSV-7014: Some ATmega and ATtiny devices failed to start debugging with the Simulator.
  • AVRSV-7230: 'Show all files' in Solution Explorer is not consistent.
  • AVRSV-7062: Firmware upgrade of Xplained Mini kits not detected.
  • AVRSV-7164: Reading Flash to .bin file created incorrect .bin file.
  • AVRSV-7106: Hex files with UNIX or mixed file endings fail to load.
  • AVRSV-7126: Data breakpoints for Arm may not be limited to RAM.

Atmel Studio 7.0.634

This release adds device support for the SAM B11 device family.

Atmel Studio 7.0.634 resolves the following issues present in Atmel Studio 7.0.594:
  • AVRSV-6873: Jungo Driver issue with Windows 10.
  • AVRSV-6676: Launching debugging fails due to an issue with the Intel graphics driver.

Atmel Studio 7.0.594

Atmel Studio 7.0.594 resolves the following issues present in Atmel Studio 7.0.582:
  • AVRSV-7008: Opening a 6.2 project in Atmel Studio 7.0.582 persists Debug configuration settings for all the other configurations.
  • AVRSV-6983: Uninstalling Studio extensions does not work in some cases.
  • AVRSV-7018: Project Creation fails with some culture-specific user names.
  • AVRSV-7019: Help Viewer does not work on 32-bit machines.
  • Issues with getting tools/debuggers recognized or visible see section 2.4 in ‘Atmel Studio 7.0.594-readme.pdf’ for workarounds.

Atmel Studio 7.0.582

  • Updated to Visual Studio Isolated Shell 2015
  • Integration with Atmel START
    • This tool will help you select and configure software components, drivers, middleware, and example projects to tailor your embedded application in a usable and optimized manner
  • New Device Support System, CMSIS Pack Compliant
  • Data Visualizer, Used for Processing and Visualizing Data
  • Updated Help System, Improved Context-Sensitive Help
  • Advanced Software Framework Version 3.27.3. ASF is an Extensive Software Library of Software Stacks and Examples.
  • A Major Upgrade of the Visual Assist Extension to Atmel Studio that Assists with Reading, Writing, Re-Factoring, Navigating Code Fast
  • Import Arduino Sketch Projects Into Atmel Studio
  • Support for Flip-Compatible Bootloaders in atprogram and Programming Dialogue. The Connected Device Appears as a Tool.
  • AVR 8-bit GCC Toolchain 3.5.0 with Upstream Versions1:
    • GCC 4.9.2
    • Binutils 2.25
    • avr-libc 1.8.0svn
    • gdb 7.8
  • AVR 32-bit GCC Toolchain 3.4.3 with Upstream Versions1:
    • GCC 4.4.7
    • Binutils 2.23.1
    • Newlib 1.16.0
  • Arm GCC Toolchain 4.9.3 with Upstream Versions1:
    • GCC 4.9 (revision 221220)
    • Binutils 2.24
    • gdb

For more information, see the readme that is installed as part of the toolchain.