5.2 Interface Settings

The programming interfaces have different settings. Some interfaces have no settings at all, while other interfaces settings are only available on some tools. This section will describe all settings, but they are not available for all the tools and devices.


If you have selected JTAG as the programming interface, clock speed, use external reset, and daisy-chain setting may be available. This depends on the tool and device.

JTAG Clock

JTAG clock is the maximum speed the tool will try clocking the device. The clock range is different for different devices and tools. If there are restrictions, they will be stated in a message below the clock slider.

Use External Reset

If checked, the tool will pull the external reset line low when trying to connect to the device.

JTAG Daisy-Chain Settings

Specify the JTAG daisy-chain settings relevant to the device to program.

Target is not part of a daisy-chain. Select this option when the target device is not part of a daisy-chain.

Daisy chain-Manual. Allows you to manually configure the JTAG daisy-chain if you are programming in a system-on-board.

  • Devices before - specifies the number of devices preceding the target device.
  • Instruction bits before - specifies the total size of the instruction registers of all devices preceding the target device.
  • Devices after - specifies the number of devices following the target device.
  • Instruction bits after - specifies the total size of the instruction registers of all devices, following the target device.

Daisy chain-Auto. Automatically detects the devices in the JTAG daisy-chain. Allows you to select the device in the JTAG daisy-chain. Auto-detection is supported only for SAM devices.

To accept the changes and configure the tool, press the Set button.


The PDI interface has only one setting – the PDI clock speed.

PDI Clock is the maximum speed the tool will try clocking the device. The clock range is different for different devices and tools. If there are restrictions, they will be stated in a message below the clock slider.

To apply the changes and configure the tool, press the Set button.

The clock cannot be adjusted on all tools, presenting an empty Interface settings page.