XML Miscellaneous Options

This dialog box allows you to change the autocompletion and schema settings for the XML Editor. You can access the Options dialog box from the Tools menu.

Note: These settings are available when selecting the Text Editor folder, the XML folder, and the Miscellaneous option from the Options dialog box.

Auto Insert

Close Tags

The editor automatically adds an end tag when you type a right angle bracket (>) to close a start tag if the tag is not already closed if the autocompletion setting is checked, which is the default behavior.

The completion of an empty element does not depend on the autocompletion setting. You can always autocomplete an empty element by typing a backslash (/).

Attribute Quotes

When authoring XML attributes, the editor inserts the =" " characters and positions the caret (^) inside the double-quotes.

Selected by default.

Namespace Declarations

The editor automatically inserts namespace declarations wherever they are needed.

Selected by default.

Other Markup (Comments, CDATA)

Comments, CDATA, DOCTYPE, processing instructions, and other markup are auto-completed.

Selected by default.


Automatically Download DTDs and Schemas

Schemas and document type definitions (DTDs) are downloaded automatically from HTTP locations. This feature uses System.Net with auto-proxy server detection enabled.

Selected by default.


Enter Outlining Mode When Files Open

Turns on the outlining feature when a file is opened.

Selected by default.



Specifies the location of the schema cache. The browse button (...) opens the Directory Browse dialog box at the current schema cache location. You can select a different directory or select a folder in the dialog, right click, and choose Open to see what is in the directory.