3.1.2 Terminal Configuration Example

The following example shows how to connect the SPI interface to a terminal. However, the procedure is the same for any of the other available data sources. The target code used in this example can be found in Terminal Example Code.

Todo: Select correct tool in the DGI Control Panel.
Todo: Click Connect to make a connection to the DGI on the selected tool.
  • Click the SPI checkbox
  • Open the SPI Configuration dialog by clicking the Gear button next to the SPI checkbox
  • Set Transfer Mode to SCK normally low, Read data on rising edge
  • Enable the Force start-up synchronization on CS option
  • Open the configuration panel
  • Add a Terminal view to the Visualizer
  • Drag the source connector from the interface in the DGI Control Panel into the sink for the Terminal to make a connection
  • Start the session
  • Press the button (SW0) on the Xplained Pro board
On each button press, LED0 on the board should toggle and a message appear on the terminal.
Sometimes more than one message appears for each button press. This is an indication that some debouncing algorithm is needed in the button sample routine. It is a lot easier to spot this problem by looking at the terminal output than to watch the LED toggling.