2.1.1 SPI Interface

The SPI interface source contains the raw values received on the SPI interface. The sink sends values received back out on the SPI bus. For further details on the physical part of the SPI interface, see the user guide of the debugging tool to be used to sample the SPI data.
Important: If the SPI sink is connected to a source with a multibyte type, the byte order may be unpredictable.
Important: The SPI hardware module uses an active-low Chip Select (CS) signal. Any data sent when the CS pin is high will be ignored.

The SPI Configuration dialog is opened from the SPI interface in the DGI control panel.

Table 2-2. Configuration
Field NameValuesUsage
Transfer Mode
  • SCK normally low, Read data on rising edge
  • SCK normally low, Read data on falling edge
  • SCK normally high, Read data on falling edge
  • SCK normally high, Read data on rising edge
SPI mode, controlling clock phase and sampling.
Force synchronization on CSON or OFFThe SPI interface is only enabled after the Chip Select line has toggled twice.
Enable timestampingON or OFFData is timestamped through the DGI timestamp interface (yields a slower transfer rate).